Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Prayer Request

Here I find myself at week 3.5. But who is counting :) It is going well and I am trying to really enjoy my time with the kids without all the responsibilities at home. People at home have really stepped up to help and Chris is now home from Texas.

All that being said, my heart does desire to be together. I came out here with a return ticket for January 14th. I am absolutely prepared to stay that long, but if God wanted to move mightily, I wouldn't mind :)

A dear friend of mine always says, "We have not cause we ask not". I know that many of you are literally all over the world praying. I thought that I would send some specific requests out and we could be unified in our prayers. So here I go.

1. Pray that I obtain custody this week. It is so hard to send them back each night and it is getting harder and harder for the kids.

Jackson screams now when I leave him and they do not want me out of their sight. We need the signature of a man named Erik. Pray he is stuck in the office, whatever it takes to get this signature.

2. Pray the Social Worker completes our socio-economic report QUICKLY! That she could not rest until this is done.

3. Pray we go to court this week. Now that would be an act of God!!! The lawyer and courts pretty much close this Friday until after the New Year. Our lawyer is actually on vacation Dec 18-Jan11.

3. The doctor that we need to see prior to leaving is on vacation.

They have a back up doctor that is willing to see us, but was booked solid for the rest of the year. He called today and I have a tentative appt scheduled for Dec 22nd. Once again, it will be an absolute miracle if I make this. But, we serve a God of miracles right?

4. Pray that when we have our adoption decree that there will be NO hiccups with our passports, so we can leave quickly.

5. Pray that I would "Be still and know that He is God". It is tough for a "Doer" personality like me to sit and wait on others.

6. Please pray that Melanie's case is wrapped up by the end of the year. Pray that God would move in a BIG way!!!!!

7. Please pray for strength and endurance for myself and Melanie.

This is all very emotionally exhausting. Not to mention caring for 8 children in the home, trying to implement some type of routine and schooling for them as English is their second language.

8. Please pray for our biological children and they are carrying a heavy load with all of the changes that they are currently in, as well as those ahead.

Once again, thank you for walking this road with us. We are very aware of love that has been poured out on us and we would not be able to go through this on our own. You are our backbone!


1 comment:

Laura said...

Our family continues to pray for you daily. Yes, Yes, God can do all of these miracles. We ask Him to show Himself in an AMAZING WAY to your family during this time. It is a sacrifice for your kids at home. God will use that to build something in their character that will draw them even closer to Him. He did that in my kids. They sacrificed for our adoption and as a result they own it as their calling, too. They can't all fully express that in words, but it is obvious in their actions and attitudes toward Isaiah and Laila.

I know we have never met, but I feel so connected to you in this process. I check your fb and blog regularly and LOVE that you have given our family some very specific things to pray for you. If there is anything we can do, please let us know.