Saturday, June 5, 2010

Memorial Day

We headed up to The Punchbowl to honor those that lost their lives, in order for us to have freedom. Even with 6 (we had a friend along) little one's it was a great morning of remembering those that served. Colin enjoyed looking for those that earned a medal of honor and we are going to try to look them up and see if we can find their story. Many of the graves were from those that lost their lives during Pearl Harbor. It was that tragic day, but through the pride that she felt for her country, that led my Grandmother to enlist in the first Women's Army Corps during WWII. Chris' father served in Vietnam and retired from the U.S Army. My uncle served in the Navy, Chris' uncle served in Air Force and Chris is currently serving in the Army. We have a deep military history in our family. We also have many friends who are serving overseas as I type this and we are thankful for the risk that they take each and every day. It was a really good day and it was wonderful seeing history come to life for Colin.

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