Well, that's a joke with 3 small children, but we do continue to wait on the adoption front:)
Please continue to pray as Kristine wraps up her trip to Africa this week. She will be back on the 14th. It's a 19 hour flight and they are 12 hours ahead, do the math and I think it means she doesn't have much time left. We continue to check our e mail more than one should to see if there is a note, a picture, any glimmer of hope! We do continue to pray and try to rest in the Lord's timing.
We are leaving for California on the 22nd. Carrie actually goes on the 19th, so we have all been busy with To Do lists and wrapping up things at work. One good thing about auctioning off the house each year is that it makes you clean and do all those projects we have put off over the last 12 months! Chris is on call today, so we are all watching SEC football, burning pumpkin candles and sipping cider trying to pretend it's Fall and just enjoying some down time with one another.
Last weekend we took the kids for a surf lesson. We were invited by some friends to go with their church to an outreach that they have. Once a month, they do a surf clinic in a way to build relationships and reach out to the community. Maddie was happiest just on the sand and Colin gave it a shot until the board flipped and they fell off. Gracen was most content running all over the beach, stealing people's soda and coffee. That girl has a radar when caffeine is involved. We will give it a try again next month. Chris gave it a whirl and decided that a rash guard really is a necessity and I think he even got up a few times. We are waiting for Marlene to come back and show us how it is done :) Surfing truly is a great lesson in patience and determination which is a great reminder right now.
Please keep us in your prayers and I hope to have some more information for you on Thursday.